Monday, June 16, 2008

The Dance

I don’t want you to ask yourself too many questions
Questions will get you lost; they will get you nowhere
And I don’t intend to urge you out of your comfort
Comfort is hard to keep, if it even bothers to come around.
But there is a thing or two you should do
Take that old walk we barely got used to
And make your steps slow, and quiet, and steady
And count down from a ridiculous number
Say five hundred and twenty five thousand or so
Make your way towards where your heart tells you I may be
And when it’s the eighth step before the last
Send out your arm and ask me to take those steps with you
It won’t take us long to mix our feet
Or pace our trot to your heartbeat
And when the steps are down to three
We’ll plan them well And hope to God they last an eternity
Coz comfort is hard to keep, now that it’s come around.

(written September 2007)

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