Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Girl Who Does Yoga

I thought it was the strangest name to a song. Little did I know.
This compelling desire to write usually comes from a Yogi girl. Something about her makes her muse-material.

There is a lot to learn from a Yogi kind of girl. She's self-indulgent, in a good way. She loves her body, and wants to bridge possible gaps between that body and the mind in charge. She thinks, a lot, and while seemingly over social, she keeps an introverted blog, or at least a careful record of where she's at. Not in a grocery list kinda way. What I mean is remarkable, and not so remarkable, moments stand out. Life doesn't just drip through her fingers. Yogi girl knows how to breathe. She knows how to reflect.

Yogi is sensitive to people's perceptions, not in a superficial way, although she arms herself with make-up if she has to. Her attention to what people think, though, is much like a surgeon's attention to a patient's blood pressure before operation. It's introverted, wise, and careful. The only point where Yogi and surgeon part ways is when he allows his readings to dictate everything he will do next, while she may willingly walk out on whatever the fuck people think.
She's done her own math ahead of time.

For whatever reason, having a Yogi in a boy's life is a full-time challenge, because he has to keep up with her, unlike that other woman. The other woman is easy to satisfy, and a little yes-baby will have her set for a while. Our boy thinks that Yogi is great in bed, but putting up with hours of scrutiny is a heavy tax to pay for that. When making love, the other woman's moans strip her naked in every way. Yogi makes love with her brains on.

Yogi is having organic food for breakfast, and that's not because she's being a picky eater. It's because when she was on her explorative trip around countries of the less developed world, she felt closer to people there, because food was their common lingo. It felt genuine, and they felt more like her kind, save pointing fingers that she's the rich tourist around. It bothered her a bit then, but she'd give up anything now to have a moment of that again.

She lives with an orange tree
The girl who does yoga


Catherine said...

So true... This piece resonates with my heart. I feel like a yogi girl. Beautifully worded art, ya Amrhead. I love it.

Anna said...

love it too, especially with the sound of damien singing in the back of my mind :)